Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Romney and Gingrich

Mitt Romney won the biggest states on Super Tuesday after Santorum led all night when a late flurry of returns suddenly handed him the victory.  One wonders if the programmers had to burn the late night oil at Dominion Voting to bring that about.  Cynically, Newt Gingrich vows to stay in the race now that he has won Georgia.

Really? Santorum proved he could win in the South in Tennessee and Oklahoma, and Gingrich has not won any support outside the South.  It's looking more and more like Gingrich is staying in the race specifically to keep Santorum from uniting the conservatives.    Remember, Adelson gave Gingrich $11 million through January, but Romney is Adelson's second choice, so any money that he is now giving to Gingrich is likely intended to help Romney.  We will have to see if this is confirmed by noting whether Gingrich continues to air anti-Romney ads, or whether these get cut off.  Adelson gave Gingrich $1 million February 28, and Gingrich planned to make pro-Gingrich ads.  It would be interesting to note if any anti-Romney ads were run by Gingrich, or if any more are planned.

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